December 30, 2020 (1)

Isolation Diary: I hurt myself again today! Good heavens. Perhaps I should just stay in bed. However, I was not alone. Most of the family was here. We had and D and D session today and Adam was filming an audition upstairs and then podcasting, and after all that I was scampering around with the 20 month old and tripped on a rug and fell and my head hit a knob on my hamper. No other consequences of tripping and falling, would have been a non-event if not for that hamper. I just have an enormous goose egg that hurt a lot! Hurt for quite awhile. I am okay now. But, really, I can’t not do things. I don’t want to think of myself as a fragile package. And, to put this in perspective, most days I don’t hurt myself. Except when I’m sewing. I always hurt myself at some point when sewing a project. A costume, a quilt, a piece of clothing….somewhere there is a spot of blood. I said to Duncan (the 11 year old) today, ‘humans are so fragile, how do we survive?” He answered, ‘Our brains.’ In general that is certainly true. Personally? We’ll see.

Jenelle R.
I’m so glad you have family there but not glad about the accident!!!

Mandi M.H.
I felt like the blood on the hem of my wedding dress was pretty special
So sorry about the goose egg

Maggie M.
Mandi M.H. Ruth made Mars’s wedding dress too!

Mandi M.H.
Maggie M. amazing!!! She did the alterations on mine

DeAnne M.
I’m so sorry!! I hope you feel better.

Terry W.
You sure you don’t have a concussion? Head injuries are nothing to trifle with. Kitty spent five weeks in the hospital earlier this year, when she fell and hit her head. The first several days were touch and go.

Ruth Silveira
Terry W. Thanks, Terry, yes, I’m sure I’m concussionless. No dizziness, the only headache was centered on the spot of injury, no blurred vision.

Jeff W.
Perhaps you could fashion some bubble-wrap clothing from all those Amazon packages? I know duct tape comes in lots of colors!
I can almost picture the hat.

Ruth Silveira
Jeff W. I hope it doesn’t come to that but I will begin saving packing materials.

Rick C.
Ruth, sorry to hear about your injury, but glad you are OK… wife Marti fell in front of our house and it was pretty bad, she broke a bone in her cheek and needed a plate and 11 screws in her wrist!! we need to be careful out there, I want to wrap her in a Faberge egg for protection!

Ruth Silveira
Rick C. Yeow! How can a wrist accommodate 11 screws?! Not good when adults fall. My little 20 month old grandson falls multiple times a day, it’s okay for a toddler, but not us big people.

Peter E.
Make sure you’re okay, please.

Ruth Silveira
Peter E. I am ok, thank you.

Laura E.F.
Aw gee! I know this feeling! May this be a year of good cushioning

Ruth Silveira
Laura E.F. Bubble wrap, physical and mental.

December 30, 2020 (2)

Isolation Diary: Today I used a power tool, a jigsaw, and did not hurt myself.

Holly B.
Happy New Year’s and Congratulations!!!!

Rick C.
things are looking up!Happy New Year!
I feel like its going to be a good one!!

Sandy R.
Happy New Year, Ruth!

Sandy R.
Rick C.….and a Happy New Year to you!!!! Yes may it be a healing one for us all. Hugs!

Anna M.
Yay !!!

Danielle O.
High five city!!!