January 1, 2021

Isolation Diary: At home. Happy New Year everyone! In some way I feel our New Year will begin on Jan. 20th. To celebrate I am drinking the very best Irish Whiskey I’ve ever had. A gift. It’s called Writer’s Tears. It’s a beautiful golden color and it’s a whole experience of aroma, first taste, second taste, and third taste.
I also discarded into the fire something I should have dealt with long ago. Past time to let it go and now done. Feeling so good about myself, I just may clean out my refrigerator.

Then a whole bunch of Happy New Year greetings. Everyone wishing for a better 2021.

January 4, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have played sessions of Dungeons and Dragons 4 days in a row. Two of the campaign for which I am DM, and two for the campaign for which Jessie is the DM. Quite a New Years flurry. I am in a good mood. Because the game is connection, it is play, it is creative, it requires preparation (work). Sessions more spread out now that the new year is actually starting. What I am currently excited about is building a website. Maggie and Adam gifted me with a domain…I have a domain! And now I am going to create .. somehow .. a website. Still, however satisfying that will be, an evening with you all at The Plunge will be far sweeter. Especially if that evening is after a show.

January 7, 2021

Isolation Diary: January 6th. I was alone with my TV today. I rarely watch during the day but today was different. Rioters, insurrectionists forced (rather easily) their way into the Capital Building. Shocking that could happen. This news and videos being sent around the world. And yet, I didn’t hear of any other demonstration in any other city in the US. 1 woman shot and killed, 3 others died, reasons unknown to me. No counter demonstrations, thank goodness, or there would have been more violence. With all that, and although I was engaged with this most of the day, I have the feeling that this expression of anger and support and identity is fading in vitality. Whatever the underlying cause of this fantasy grab is, it probably won’t go away. For everyone sucked in. And I also must stay aware, vigilant, open minded. Although I also want to be right.

John M.
There were demonstrations in several state capitols, including Sacramento. They mob tried to get into the Kansas state capitol building. That’s as much info as I have.

Ruth Silveira
John M. So I learned this morning. I had listened to MSNBC and CNN almost all day and not heard a word and I did not follow my own advice and made an assumption that nothing had happened elsewhere. How wrong I was.

Jeff L.
There was a demonstration in Albany and 2 people were stabbed.

Ruth Silveira
So I learned this morning. Naive of me to think that there were no other demonstrations.

Paul B.
I agree with these comments. I tried to google news of similar attacks on state capitols, and there is almost nothing. But I have a close friend who lives in downtown Sacramento right near the Capitol building, and he said they were afraid to go out, that there were explosions, helicopters, etc. where is our media?

Ruth Silveira
These other demonstrations (can we really call them that?) are beginning to show up on news media. Not explored or examined but at least mentioned.

Nancy W.
I think we all feel just as you do. Unthinkable…unspeakable. This man must never run for office again. And I can’t even call these things demonstrations. They’re terrorist insurrections.

Ruth Silveira
Nancy W. Now more footage of the insurrection is available and there was extreme violence in places, and in intent. All supported and incited by Trump.

Nancy W.
Let’s hope for a second impeachment–and a conviction! Or that Pence will invoke the 25th (doubtful). All these Republicans who are now disavowing Trump are just a bunch of hypocritical self-promoters. Rats leaving the sinking ship!

January 8, 2021

Isolation Diary: Today Maggie, Adam, and I were adventurers in Duncan’s wholly self-created D and D campaign. (Just to review: Maggie is my daughter, Adam is her husband, Duncan is my 11 year old grandson, Jessie, my first daughter, being his mother.) It was great fun! However challenging and stressful this pandemic has been and still is, I am grateful for the greater time and interaction I have had with Duncan. Who might have been in school otherwise!

January 11, 2021

Isolation Diary: Covid numbers in LA currently are not good. I and my family are contracting our safe circle. We still have each other. We are deeply grateful for that. We are also suffering from a lack of wider contacts. And then there is the craziness of the insurrection. Has the pandemic exacerbated this anger and distorted understanding? I have never conversed with a Trumpian. I may know only one, not sure. There has been so much anxious static in the atmosphere I have had troubled sleeping lately.
Years ago I had an experience with crowd energy and manipulation, I found it exceedingly dangerous and have mostly avoided large crowds since then. Wednesday was an example of crowd/mob energy and it is not pretty.
I am here in my home, or at Jessie’s, or at Maggie’s, I am not going out to circulate and talk to people and demonstrate and put myself on the line. And that is frustrating. I want to know, to ask, what a Trump cultist (not just a voter like Sen. Toomey) believes would be so much better with Trump in power and what they fear, because they all are afraid, will happen with a Biden administration. Specifically. Not a general comment about Socialism. But how they believe their lives will be impacted negatively by the Biden administration. And if it turns out that their day to day lives would be okay (of course once the pandemic is brought under control and small businesses can operate again, all thanks to the administration, I hope) then the fear is rooted in something else. And that’s another discussion. And closer to the truth.

January 12, 2021

Isolation Diary: Friends, hello. Here we are on FB exchanging ideas, opinions, and happy birthdays. But I would love to see all your faces and simply chatter nonsense. So, hello, how are you? Well, I fervently hope. I am good, thanks. My black eye is slowly, oh so slowly, fading. Very difficult to hide with make-up, but I hardly go anywhere so that’s okay. What am I doing? D & D, planning a quilt, starting a project for the library, hanging with the family, enjoying little Fig, and not so little Duncan, working in the garden. Trying to keep it together. Not sleeping well. And then sleeping very late. I live in a country, a large and varied country, in which about 2/5 of the population is infected with a brainworm. Two pandemics at once! This brainworm seeks out the vulnerabilities of fear and greed and lust for power and there it plants its hook. A vaccine has not yet been found. Simple topical application of Truth is not effective. Scientists urge an IV treatment. Once we can free up some hospital beds. (End of ramble)

Kathi C.
” Brainworm”. You’ve nailed the infection(not Covid) we are dealing with right now.

Christie M.
Oh let’s just sit down and have a cup of tea and walk around the garden & catch up. It’s been years since I’ve seen you. Maybe we can come up with some ideas to save this stupid old world.

Ruth Silveira
Christie M. Lovely. I am confident in our combined abilities and imagination to be able to pretty much fix everything. Perhaps not the attraction of salty snacks, we will leave that to others.

Bryan B.
Brainworm is spot on. Glad the eye is healing!

Carolyn K.
Ramble on my friend!

Bruce Y.
Wow, you are doing some serious rambling I happen to live in the DC area, have worked the Hill for years, have spent many an hour in the capitol, and was totally taken aback by the riots and by the disregard of our values. Couple that with the pandemic and we have a two fer.

Ruth Silveira
Bruce Y. Yes, most of us were knocked back by the violence on the 6th, but, really, the high probability wasn’t a secret. But I didn’t anticipate such violence. So naive. Even after all these years. Bruce, I started off on another ramble which might have been a fun discussion if we were sharing a bottle of wine with friends after dinner. But now, too hard to type.

Holly B.
Always great to hear from you, Ruth!! You get me off the sofa.

Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for the second time.

January 14, 2021

Isolation Diary: My FB tonight contains not one post about the 2nd impeachment of D. Trump. (Until now) I watched Nancy Pelosi announce the results of the voting and there was no visible or audible reaction from those present that I could see. Is this because this impeachment simply had to happen? Just a natural and normal consequence of betraying the congress and the country? And we all knew it would happen so no reason to stress. The interesting part will be the Senate trial. I am reminding myself that this is all actually happening, this is not a show on TV. It’s just that almost everything and almost everybody I see is on a computer or a TV. And I am safe (and isolated) in my house. I am grateful for those who have put themselves in the line of fire, so to speak. (except maybe for real.)

Bruce Y.
I think there is a lot to talk about with this proceeding and what led up to it. I am saddened it had to happen.

Ruth Silveira
Bruce Y. There is an enormous pile of stuff to talk about, think about, analyze, ponder, meditate on. What I have been reminded of lately while listening to the podcast ‘Why is This Happening’ with guest Ta Nehisi Coates, this autocratic, violence prone, white dominated limb of the American tree has always been with us. Sometimes more dominate, sometimes more subdued.

Bruce Y.
It is not good that you are up and writing stuff at 3:34 AM

Ruth Silveira
Bruce Y. Not 3:34 am where I am. I will be fast asleep at 3:30.

Mandi M.H.
I found this interesting as well. I think we’re all just fucking exhausted and over it. This impeachment isn’t the cackling party they make it out to be.

Ruth Silveira
It’s not a party, you are right, Mandi. No joy that we have had a President worthy of 2 impeachments. At least.

Bruce Y.
ok, must have been my time, which is 3 hours ahead. Hope you are not up the late doing your musing and worrying .

Laura E.F.
I feel so extra isolated by this set of actions.. feel indeed that the world now fits in a small screen.

Ruth Silveira
Laura E.F. Right, it is an extra layer.

January 16, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have a rat in the house. A real rat, not a nasty person. A rat. I have suspected such but tonight I saw the furry thing. I don’t want to deal with this tonight but I will set out traps tomorrow. My house is old, it is porous, rats find their way in. I am resolved that this one will be sorry it did.

Jaime A.
Too bad you can’t borrow “our” stray cat. He’s a killer.

John S.
Jaime A. this is the beginning of a dark animated film about a assassin cat that travels across the country to kill a rat.

Ruth Silveira
John S. Love that.

Bruce Y.
am sure you take care of the problem But, just think, could be a raccon

Holly B.
You could call them”Ratfucker” and see what happens.

Ruth Silveira
Holly B. Holly, using my Shakespeare voice I let the rat know it was not welcome here and commanded it to leave, or else. I have not heard or seen the creature tonight. Could that have worked?

Carolyn K.
Ruth “Bubble bubble, toil and trouble…”

Holly B.
Yes, it works!!!!! Sr. Barron has all kinds of tricks up her sleeve.!!XXoo

Holly B.
I laughed so hard when I read this; speaking in your greatest Shakespearean voice. Though she be but little she is fierce!! Wm. Shakespeare.

Mandi M.H.
Ugh that happened to us recently. I was really grateful that Alicia told me about the electronic traps, I wasn’t ready for the levels of ghastly with other options. After SIX met their ends in it over about a week, it appears they have reconsidered the dog food bin as a safe food source.
(They were able to avoid our cat because they could sneak around the washing machine and behind the shelving the dog food sits on. Ugh.

Ruth Silveira
Mandi M.H. I tried an electronic trap previously and had no luck at all. I still have it so I could try again. What bait did you use with such effectiveness?

Mandi M.H.
Ruth Silveira ugh that sucks. We made sure to wear rubber gloves so our scent wasn’t on the actual device and scaring them off, and then we used dog kibble since that’s what they were coming in for anyway, we just chucked them in the back of the machine

Ruth Silveira
Mandi M.H. Good thought about the rubber gloves.

Susan J.
This is one time when it’s appropriate to say: KILL!

Laura E.F.
It’s so rarely the one and only! Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid!

January 19, 2021

Isolation Diary: This post fits in this category because this thought occurred to me while I was returning home after picking up my on-line ordered bunch of groceries. I haven’t shopped in person for almost a year. I was listening to KUSC, that’s classical music. Bachianas Brasileiras #5 Aria by Villa-Lobos was played. Aria in this case by saxophone not voice. Still beautiful although I prefer the voice. In fact, for me this is one of the most beautiful melodies ever created. And I wondered, why do I experience it as beautiful? Each tone, and there are many elongated tones in the aria, is okay by itself. A tone. Fine. But then the next tone is added, and the next, and when does the melody become beautiful? And why do I perceive it as such? Is it math? The ratio between tones? I wonder if each tone has a subtle vibratory effect on the body. And beautiful music actually ‘feels’ harmonious and beautiful. Anybody have input on this?

John M.
Read the book This Is Your Brain on Music. Very moving and not a heavy read. There are physical and physiological reasons that certain sounds are soothing and others the opposite, and then there are the learned cultural associations.

Danielle O.
I once attended an event where several Tibetan monks sang tones at suspended bowls of water, rice and sand and made them ripple and react in patterns. I see no reason why tones wouldn’t do the same to blood and flesh and skin. We’re mostly water.

Curt B.
Yup. Music absolutely vibrates at frequencies that affect our physical world. They also can affect our brainwave patterns, which also resonate at certain frequencies. Similarly, a cat’s purr is a healing mechanism.

Ruth Silveira
I am aware of the vibrations of the lower tones. The amped low base of some music causes instant hostility in me. I consider it a very personal invasion. I have gone so far, late at night, late and dark, to go out by myself to knock on the window of a car to get the attention of a guy parked outside my house doing I don’t know what and asking him to turn down his base. Not smart. But…..I was wondering about beauty. And why a melody might be more than just pleasing but called beautiful. I find that aria beautiful, I love listening to it. Why? And why do I call it ‘beautiful’? There is something about the arrangement of tones that feels so good to me. Why is that? Do any of you reading this respond to this aria similarly?

(No answer to that question.)

January 20, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have an appointment at Dodger Stadium to get my first vaccination against Covid on Thursday! After finally finding the place to make an appointment, and after choosing dates and times that turned out to be unavailable, before giving up I randomly chose a time on Thursday and……yes, got an appointment. I got emotional, nearly cried with relief. And, yes, I will still wear my mask and social distance, but my level of anxiety is lessened. Always good.

Ernie G.
Ruth!!! What amazing news, indeed! Beyond happy to hear this!

Ruth Silveira
Ernie, haven’t exchanged messages with you in a long time, so I will take this opportunity to say, ‘I love you’, and am pleased you are well.

Richard L.
Me too.. Thursday.

DeAnne M.
WOOHOOO!!! First stop, the supermarket!?

Ruth Silveira
DeAnne M. I look forward to that day. My own food shopping. But that is still months away. Until my family is also vaccinated.

DeAnne M.
Ruth Silveira ah makes sense.

Rafeal C.

Natasha P.

Bruce Y.
Congrats. I hope to get mine next week.

Sandy R.
I got one too on Saturday. (Obviously Sandy replied several days after my initial post.)

Ruth Silveira
Sandy R. How was it? Did you avoid the rain?

Sandy R.
It was OK. Was there about 1:40 in the pouring rain , but it’s done.!!!

Ruth Silveira
Sandy R. How did the workers and medical staff handle that? When I was there they were all out in the open. Were they all getting drenched? Or under umbrellas? Even in that circumstance you were not there for long. Yay! Let’s hope we can get our 2nd shot.

Sandy R.
They were all getting drenched.

Jenelle R.

Cydney D.
Amen Ruth. I got mine today too. I work as an in home caregiver so I qualified for Phase 1. I went to the Forum and it was very organized and went smoothly. The only side effect I feel is sleepy. I’m glad you were proactive and signed up to get yours.

Ruth Silveira
Cydney D. Yay! Glad you got yours. My arm hurts, just like after a flu shot. And I felt anxious for about 20 minutes after. My body saying, ‘Hey, what’s this?!”

Cydney D.
Ruth Silveira Yes my arm hurts too. But not too bad. It’s better today. I am scheduled to go back for the second shot on 2/11/21. Here’s hoping all is well.

Kathi C.
I cried too. I sat waiting my 15 minutes just crying my eyes out.