Isolation Diary: Internet problem fixed! Question to self this morning: what do I do?!!! Just buy new stuff? Call HelloTech to come fix my life? or One more call to Apple Support? I chose the last one. Called Apple. Got help. Wireless working again. Ever so grateful. Still, all my hardware is obsolete. I will worry about that tomorrow. And then, to make my day even better, Dean brought me toilet paper, and Maggie, Adam, and Fig, suffering from the stir crazies, came for a visit. So, yes, I did, I held Fig. A lot. I touched another human. That’s not an issue for many of you. For those of us who live alone, it is. We adults kept our distance, no hugs. But if a little guy lunges into your arms, what are you to do? Fig is almost 1 year old now.
Jessie M.
Yay human contact!Jaime A.
I’m so glad you got hugs. I’m giving you more in my mind.Nick U.
I’m with Jamie, mental hugs coming your way. On the other hand, that doesn’t sound so good. But what other sort of hugs would you get from me in any case?Joyce H.
(Joyce sent a heart emoji with a house inside.)
Leslie D.
Hi Ruth! What a wonderful post and how nice to hear what you guys are all up to!