January 20, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have an appointment at Dodger Stadium to get my first vaccination against Covid on Thursday! After finally finding the place to make an appointment, and after choosing dates and times that turned out to be unavailable, before giving up I randomly chose a time on Thursday and……yes, got an appointment. I got emotional, nearly cried with relief. And, yes, I will still wear my mask and social distance, but my level of anxiety is lessened. Always good.

Ernie G.
Ruth!!! What amazing news, indeed! Beyond happy to hear this!

Ruth Silveira
Ernie, haven’t exchanged messages with you in a long time, so I will take this opportunity to say, ‘I love you’, and am pleased you are well.

Richard L.
Me too.. Thursday.

DeAnne M.
WOOHOOO!!! First stop, the supermarket!?

Ruth Silveira
DeAnne M. I look forward to that day. My own food shopping. But that is still months away. Until my family is also vaccinated.

DeAnne M.
Ruth Silveira ah makes sense.

Rafeal C.

Natasha P.

Bruce Y.
Congrats. I hope to get mine next week.

Sandy R.
I got one too on Saturday. (Obviously Sandy replied several days after my initial post.)

Ruth Silveira
Sandy R. How was it? Did you avoid the rain?

Sandy R.
It was OK. Was there about 1:40 in the pouring rain , but it’s done.!!!

Ruth Silveira
Sandy R. How did the workers and medical staff handle that? When I was there they were all out in the open. Were they all getting drenched? Or under umbrellas? Even in that circumstance you were not there for long. Yay! Let’s hope we can get our 2nd shot.

Sandy R.
They were all getting drenched.

Jenelle R.

Cydney D.
Amen Ruth. I got mine today too. I work as an in home caregiver so I qualified for Phase 1. I went to the Forum and it was very organized and went smoothly. The only side effect I feel is sleepy. I’m glad you were proactive and signed up to get yours.

Ruth Silveira
Cydney D. Yay! Glad you got yours. My arm hurts, just like after a flu shot. And I felt anxious for about 20 minutes after. My body saying, ‘Hey, what’s this?!”

Cydney D.
Ruth Silveira Yes my arm hurts too. But not too bad. It’s better today. I am scheduled to go back for the second shot on 2/11/21. Here’s hoping all is well.

Kathi C.
I cried too. I sat waiting my 15 minutes just crying my eyes out.