February 2, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have been looking at the early posts. How naive we were. We thought we would endure this for maybe 2 or 3 months. We have all struggled this year to keep up our spirits, to remain ourselves. My mind feels simple and passive at present. I am uncomfortable with this feeling. Today was a fixit day. Broken items. Glue was used, and steel wool and a sort of paper mâché. And paint. At least I solved some problems. AND, as it was a beautiful day, I spent time in the garden and I vanquished vines. Often just doing things with my hands can center me and focus a sense of self. Do we all have this? A tactile constructive side and an imaginative cerebral side? Of course we do, what am I saying? Either one can center me, I suppose. It’s that in-between time that’s the problem. Is that when I, in desperation, mop the floor?

Susan J.
I love that mopping the floor is your default activity.