February 4, 2021

Isolation Diary: Just a reminder…seeing people only on Zoom or FaceTime is not normal. And, second thing, I am in my house and yard so much of the time, and with my family safe pod, no masks, close contact, that I have been known to go out for a walk to Larchmont to pick up coffee, only to have to return home after half a block to retrieve my mask. I have this isolated but active bubble that is safe and I can step out with a sense of normalcy and then realize…..no, not normal. Back up. Sigh.

Jeff W.
We now consider all the “not normal” experiences you mention to be “new normal.” I mean, let’s face it, it’ll soon be a whole year of this…er…”lifestyle.”
It sounds to me like you’re making the best of it, dear Ruth — which comes as no surprise to anyone who knows you.

Christie M.
I only am without my mask in my dreams. Literally, I have dreams where I’m walking along a boardwalk or something, and suddenly realize I don’t have my mask on and didn’t bring it. Very disconcerting dreams. In real life I can’t step outside without a mask on, even a walk in Central Park, everyone wears a mask. I think it’s because of what New York City dealt with last spring, sirens night and day, morgue trucks right down the street. I don’t think our CA friends experienced it in such an immediate way, and even now when CA is in a crisis, the attitude seems to be much more… I don’t know, relaxed? Flexible? Casual? You’re so lucky to have your pod! I’m looking forward to NYC stepping up vaccine distribution.

Ruth Silveira
Christie M. No, we probably don’t experience it in the same way. More space in many areas. Lots of people staying home, having everything delivered. When many of us go somewhere, we go in our car, no mask needed alone in your car.