June 10, 2020

Isolation Diary: The life ahead of me. Taking into consideration my age…let’s just say over 65….by some….when can I expect to comfortably share a lunch or dinner in a restaurant? Never? Maybe not. Or never meet a new person? I am chatting with a friend in a bar (The Plunge) and I am introduced to a new person and we have an interesting encounter. Or…..hey, what about the Running Charades parties we had, often including some new players, no more of those? I did not lead a madcap life but now it sort of seems that way. Now that I hardly go anywhere. See only my family in person and one careful couple. Aaaaarrrrggghhhh! My cry of sadness and frustration.

I did eat at a restaurant over a year after this post, to celebrate Duncan’s 12th birthday on August 1, 2021. We were separated from other diners, all the staff wearing masks. I still wasn’t completely comfortable but no harm came to any of us.

Carl G.
I share your pain… how long, oh Lord, how long? But I do enjoy reading your journal. Don’t stop!

Julie C.
I miss dancing with people the most. I didn’t really do it that much. But I’m going to start.

Laura E.F.
Right there with you Ruth. People are the BEST. I just keep tuning in to Fauci and hoping for a vaccine.. and can’t wait to play Running Charades!

Ruth Silveira
Running Charades is a great game!

Heatherlynn N.G.
I miss hugs.

Ruth Silveira

Matt A.
We’ll know we’re through it when we’re back to running charades.

Kathi C.
I miss seeing people, hugs, in person conversations, not feeling fear every time I shop. I don’t think we are meant to be alone like this. I haven’t had human contact in person since March. My friend dropped groceries by once and I was elated seeing her through my fence. This isolation is really wearing on me.

Ruth Silveira
We aren’t meant to be alone like this, you are right.