Isolation Diary: Another family visit today. Not my family. Natasha P.’s family and the added bonus of Matt Valle. They came to deliver some hummus (for which I am very grateful) and so Rocky, about 2 1/2 and utterly adorable, could run around in my back yard for awhile.
I drove my car for the first time in 3 weeks. Just to drop off some election focused postcards. Streets were so empty. Good for us!!!!
So here I am, as many of you are, with our intended projects either on hold or vanished. I have a number of back burner projects. I have pulled one forward. Why was it, and the others, on the back burner? For so long. Because of an obstacle, possibly real, possibly imagined. I pull it forward, but the obstacle is still there. Do I have any better tools to deal with this obstacle than i did before? Does ‘nothing better to do’ work? So easy to find something ‘else’ if not ‘better’ to do even under this currently restrictive situation .
Or should I put all that aside and sew a bunch of face masks? I downloaded patterns, I have a bunch of fabric. Or is that another sidestep? Ah, finally, bed time. I will consider all of this tomorrow. Perhaps. Here’s a thought I just had: the times that I made the most clothes for myself were the times I was most intensely engaged with others. It was part of the balancing, I suppose. So now, when engagement with others is sparse and I have ample time to make myself an entire new wardrobe…I am slow to do it. I have pulled out fabric, pulled out patterns. It all sits there. …….what an interesting time…..
Natasha P.
it was so nice to see you even though we could not hug
I am glad you were able to help us keep that hummus from going to waste. Thanks for letting Rocky run around in your yard. He fed the dinosaur a couple leaves just to help out
be well and stay safe. We are just a phone call away if you need anything!!Susan J.
I like your perspective on balancing time and what that means to productivity. Hm. You would think it would be just the opposite (more isolation, more time to do “you” stuff). Hm. Of course, a big factor here is the underlying hum of the reason for our isolation. For me, it makes it hard to concentrate. Happily, spring is just starting here in upstate NY and that’s always a joyful time for the soul.