Born and raised in Sacramento, CA.
Received a BA in Theater at UC Berkeley.
Earned my living by acting, amazing as that is.*
Married to Richard Marion, he died in 1999 to my lasting sorrow.
Mother of 2 children.
Grandmother of 2 grandchildren.
Basically retired.
*More information on this subject in the photos of shows I’ve acted in section.
Interests besides theater and family:
- Baking cookies, especially at holiday time
- Gardening, or trying to
- Sewing—currently quilting
- Visiting with friends especially over lunch
- Playing around with improvising
- Playing or DMing Dungeons and Dragons
- Supporting my local library
- and What the heck is going on out there?!
What I want to encourage myself to do more:
- Draw
- Write
What I don’t mind doing:
- The laundry
- The ironing
What I mind doing:
- Changing out the water filter under the sink.
Find me on Facebook and leave a message.