April 16, 2020

Isolation Diary: A gathering via Zoom today of a small improv group/class/workshop. We are experimenting with the circumstances. We made each other laugh. Laughter begins early in us humans. Fig, nearly a year old now, has been guffawing for a couple of months now. His brain is only beginning to organize words. His laughter is brought forth from actions. Is the laughter simply delight? Does he already see a deflection from the ‘norm’ and that is funny? Seeing a human form itself is so fascinating.

A lovely warm day but I did no work in the garden as I was busy with other things. Busy. Really? Yes, I didn’t complete my ‘to do’ list today. I spent the latter hours of the evening making a couple of face masks and listening to a book. I absolutely love listening to books. Often they accompany me as I work in the garden. Not always, sometimes I just listen to the garden. I listen to books while I am sewing….The hard part is finding the books. And the narrators I enjoy. And then getting involved in a series and getting to the end of the current book of the series and knowing there is a wait before the next book is recorded……… And that’s where I am now. More than half way through the latest book of a cherished series. Slowing down……. In the garden, I was listening to Terry Pratchett. At night, Terry Mancour.

Natasha P.
you are such a wonderful writer, Ruth

Natalie R.
Mmm listening to Terry Pratchett, what a wonderful idea.

Holly B.
What a pistol; I so envy your energy level. I go much slower, but I read your posts every day to get ideas for things to do. You are a remarkable woman; last night I thought of you having babies. How wonderful for you now. Much love to you Ruth. Boomer