April 18, 2020

Isolation Diary: I haven’t commented upon political matters in these posts, I do that elsewhere. But some of the outrageousness of the president does color the mood of the day. The image of armed men on the steps of a public building in Michigan does make one want to make therapy a requirement for voting. All that aside:
My mood was lifted, in part, by a ‘birthday lunch’ with 2 dear friends. For years we have celebrated each other’s b’day by taking the celebrant out to lunch. Couldn’t happen but we did meet on Zoom. And at least I ate lunch. These 2 friends also happen to be improv buddies, so we chatted, you can guess about what, and other things, got that out of the way, and then played.
I don’t know how long I have been in isolation. Time contracts and expands. My computer tells me the date, if I happen to remember to look at my sidebar. And what day of the week is it? It’s Wednesday if all the gardeners in the neighborhood are making noise. Thursday if the noise is trash trucks. Otherwise, could be Flipsday. My time: in two days I’ll see Fig, tomorrow I must do laundry, I will run out of coffee in 3 days.