April 19, 2020

Isolation Diary: Without the Covid19 Stay at Home order I would not have ordered and had delivered an orange tree that is just wrong for the intended spot. Delivery cost was high, return pick up cost? Probably also high. So I will find a place for it and wait until I can get the tree I want, which doesn’t seem to be available anywhere at the moment. You see, 2 years ago, I bought two orange trees, one for me and one for Jessie and Dean as a Christmas present. Theirs is thriving, producing fruit at the moment, mine is a dying spindly thing, not having grown, having diminished in size. So I want a new one!! but not the one I just got. It’s in a big pot but it looks like a bush. I want a tree! I wasn’t thorough, I didn’t ask the right questions. I had an idea in my head but I didn’t ask for a mundane description of the actual thing. Because I was ordering my idea. Aaaarrgghh!
I have ordered other things during this last month at home. Some have arrived and some haven’t. Where are my books? My vitamins? My TP? Hey, there’s a UPS truck driving by, “Where’s my stuff?!” It drove by again. “Hey! Hey!” Nothing. No stuff.Day not all frustration: visit from Maggie, Adam, and Fig. Fig insisted we dance. Jessie did a shopping for me (I am not allowed out) and brought that by. I have lots of hummus at the moment, little yogurt.

Susan J.
Who needs yogurt when you got hummus?

Ruth Silveira
One is breakfast, one is lunch.