April 22, 2020

There was an earthquake. Big enough for me to get up and stand in a secure position.

Isolation Diary: an earthquake adds nicely to the anxiety level. I get it, we humans are only marginally in control. Nature, you got the advantage. What did I control today? Had agency over. Is that the current term? That mistake of two days ago? That mis-purchase of an orange tree? Fixed. I found a place for it, moved pots and soil, dug up invasive plants to make room. Done. And an improvement in the space chosen. I controlled computer entropy and got up and did my half hour of dancing and then, after a cool down, my tai chi, yang style long form. Yes! I changed the filter in my heater/AC system. NOT an easy task. It’s supposed to be, but because of a design flaw, it is not. The task requires a pair of heavy duty pliers and much shouting to the possibly attendant gods. But…done! Then I continued work on a doll I am making for Fig. Many adjustments, ripping out of stitching, stuffing, unstuffing, how can I make this work? Is this better? For at least one element I reached acceptance. This will do. Yes. Thanks, I’ll take it.

Leon R.
You’re an amazing woman.