April 29, 2020

Isolation Diary: Well retreat didn’t help. I just got sad. And felt sort of vague and fuzzy. Not in a good way. Except for times with my family. We visit each other. Is this against the rules? We are very careful. I have had only one hug in all this time and that was with Jessie after we had been swimming (not at Huntington Beach!) and were thoroughly chlorinated. I grew up in a family of non-huggers. I only learned to hug when I became acquainted with entertainment industry people. And, you know, is ‘entertainment’ the best adjective to identify this industry? It’s these important questions that come up when….there’s no one to talk to! Or hug.

Huntington Beach had been in the news because of the many there who refuse to wear a mask.

Guy P.
I like show business more than the entertainment industry or, heaven forbid, the arts. I’m from non-hugging stock too. I still struggle with it. We are all reflecting more than usual. Hopefully we learn something useful from what we see. Normal seems a long way away.

Carolyn K.
I identify Ruth. My son and his wife came down to visit me last week and we broke ALL the rules and shared massive, missed, loving bear hugs. I always thought of the theatre people as the family I picked.

Christie M.
You can visit with your family if you stay 10 feet apart! Wear masks. Just assume everyone has it and be safe. Xox
We weren’t that strict.

Susan J.
She sent an air-hug.