August 26, 2020

Isolation Diary: I was not isolated today. Jessie’s family has returned from their vacation. Jessie and Duncan immediately got covid tests which came back negative so Jessie, Duncan, Maggie and I could meet in person today for the beginning of our next D and D adventure. For which I will be Dungeon Master. Had to leave that fun encounter to get home in time for a Zoom meeting with my local library’s Cookies and Comics Book Club. Book discussed was George Takei’s “They Called Us Enemy”. I love this book group. A diverse group. I hadn’t planned anything to say about this book although I liked it and the art work is excellent. I couldn’t formulate a coherent response. Then people began discussing it and I got emotional. I was finally able to express that toward the end of the meeting, how being with this group and sharing in this discussion was for me a fuller way to experience this book, story, experience. I had read it in shifts, you know. And there was the story to follow and the art work to consider. But…some context…after WW2, my father home from the war, my brother, a boomer, too little to mow the lawn, we had a gardener. A Japanese man who we called Jimmy. My father was always very respectful to Jimmy. When I got a bit older and learned about the war, and Pearl Harbor, and the internment camps, I thought about Jimmy. What had he been before the internment? I have no idea. And I’m not saying that taking care of yards and landscaping is a low and menial job for low and menial people. Heck, I take care of yards and landscaping. I am just wondering about Jimmy and honoring my father for his respect. And still somewhat emotional because…although Takei’s book begins way back at the beginning of WW2, it ends almost in our present day. With questions of immigrant status and treatment.