August 28, 2020

Isolation Diary: Tonight I joined a second D and D FB group. I now belong to 2. At times I think to myself, “Ruth, what are you playing at? Be serious, be constructive, make something.” And then I think, “But do I have to? All I ever wanted to do was play.”
Have fun. As I wrote in the one full length script I have written, “I don’t mean just play fun but deep fun”. So to combine those two statements: play, in the big sense, to me, is to work with the possibilities, the probabilities. Not the concrete. Unless you have a lot of chalk, then concrete can also be fun. For those of you who may be reading this who don’t know me, I am basically retired from professional life, I am not a slacker in my 20s.

(I think I was trying to say that I like to make stuff and when there is an element of the unknown, the possible, then there is an element of play in the endeavor.)

Michael R.H.
Wait, like Dungeons & Dragons?

Mandi M.H.
Michael R.H. Ruth has been playing this whole time!!

Susan J.
Chalk. Concrete. Oh, you card!