January 19, 2021

Isolation Diary: This post fits in this category because this thought occurred to me while I was returning home after picking up my on-line ordered bunch of groceries. I haven’t shopped in person for almost a year. I was listening to KUSC, that’s classical music. Bachianas Brasileiras #5 Aria by Villa-Lobos was played. Aria in this case by saxophone not voice. Still beautiful although I prefer the voice. In fact, for me this is one of the most beautiful melodies ever created. And I wondered, why do I experience it as beautiful? Each tone, and there are many elongated tones in the aria, is okay by itself. A tone. Fine. But then the next tone is added, and the next, and when does the melody become beautiful? And why do I perceive it as such? Is it math? The ratio between tones? I wonder if each tone has a subtle vibratory effect on the body. And beautiful music actually ‘feels’ harmonious and beautiful. Anybody have input on this?

John M.
Read the book This Is Your Brain on Music. Very moving and not a heavy read. There are physical and physiological reasons that certain sounds are soothing and others the opposite, and then there are the learned cultural associations.

Danielle O.
I once attended an event where several Tibetan monks sang tones at suspended bowls of water, rice and sand and made them ripple and react in patterns. I see no reason why tones wouldn’t do the same to blood and flesh and skin. We’re mostly water.

Curt B.
Yup. Music absolutely vibrates at frequencies that affect our physical world. They also can affect our brainwave patterns, which also resonate at certain frequencies. Similarly, a cat’s purr is a healing mechanism.

Ruth Silveira
I am aware of the vibrations of the lower tones. The amped low base of some music causes instant hostility in me. I consider it a very personal invasion. I have gone so far, late at night, late and dark, to go out by myself to knock on the window of a car to get the attention of a guy parked outside my house doing I don’t know what and asking him to turn down his base. Not smart. But…..I was wondering about beauty. And why a melody might be more than just pleasing but called beautiful. I find that aria beautiful, I love listening to it. Why? And why do I call it ‘beautiful’? There is something about the arrangement of tones that feels so good to me. Why is that? Do any of you reading this respond to this aria similarly?

(No answer to that question.)

January 20, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have an appointment at Dodger Stadium to get my first vaccination against Covid on Thursday! After finally finding the place to make an appointment, and after choosing dates and times that turned out to be unavailable, before giving up I randomly chose a time on Thursday and……yes, got an appointment. I got emotional, nearly cried with relief. And, yes, I will still wear my mask and social distance, but my level of anxiety is lessened. Always good.

Ernie G.
Ruth!!! What amazing news, indeed! Beyond happy to hear this!

Ruth Silveira
Ernie, haven’t exchanged messages with you in a long time, so I will take this opportunity to say, ‘I love you’, and am pleased you are well.

Richard L.
Me too.. Thursday.

DeAnne M.
WOOHOOO!!! First stop, the supermarket!?

Ruth Silveira
DeAnne M. I look forward to that day. My own food shopping. But that is still months away. Until my family is also vaccinated.

DeAnne M.
Ruth Silveira ah makes sense.

Rafeal C.

Natasha P.

Bruce Y.
Congrats. I hope to get mine next week.

Sandy R.
I got one too on Saturday. (Obviously Sandy replied several days after my initial post.)

Ruth Silveira
Sandy R. How was it? Did you avoid the rain?

Sandy R.
It was OK. Was there about 1:40 in the pouring rain , but it’s done.!!!

Ruth Silveira
Sandy R. How did the workers and medical staff handle that? When I was there they were all out in the open. Were they all getting drenched? Or under umbrellas? Even in that circumstance you were not there for long. Yay! Let’s hope we can get our 2nd shot.

Sandy R.
They were all getting drenched.

Jenelle R.

Cydney D.
Amen Ruth. I got mine today too. I work as an in home caregiver so I qualified for Phase 1. I went to the Forum and it was very organized and went smoothly. The only side effect I feel is sleepy. I’m glad you were proactive and signed up to get yours.

Ruth Silveira
Cydney D. Yay! Glad you got yours. My arm hurts, just like after a flu shot. And I felt anxious for about 20 minutes after. My body saying, ‘Hey, what’s this?!”

Cydney D.
Ruth Silveira Yes my arm hurts too. But not too bad. It’s better today. I am scheduled to go back for the second shot on 2/11/21. Here’s hoping all is well.

Kathi C.
I cried too. I sat waiting my 15 minutes just crying my eyes out.

January 25, 2021

Isolation Diary: Sometimes life seems almost normal and I don’t have a lot to say. This weekend was full: 3 different D and D games and hanging out with the family. Of course, when they all leave on a Saturday afternoon and I have no evening plans, well, I find something to do, conscious of the fact that I am finding something to do.

Holly B.
I so enjoy your posts; you have inspired me to get up and start moving again. I’m really not sick anymore. Just try and do the little things with great love. Best wishes to you always. Love, Holly

January 26, 2021

Isolation Diary: “I love you all, I really really do.” One of my favorite quotes from “Dracula: A Musical Nightmare” which Jessie and I directed at Sacred Fools back in 2002. (Joe Jordan as Dracula) So Dracula might have meant this in a sly, sinister way, but I don’t. Exactly. Sometimes my love of people is quite particular. But sometimes more broad and encompassing. What a bunch of wonderful people there are in this world! Doing things I couldn’t possibly do. Every night I take a moment to consider with gratitude everyone who has contributed to my dinner (which I am currently eating alone). There is the actual food, then the dishes, some which are gifts, the table (which is usually now the kitchen island built by Jeffer Whitman so he gets a thanks every night), the forks and spoons, the jars and other packaging, the list goes on and on. And nearly every moment of our day is like that. Filled with the contributions of other people.

Rick C.
that was one of my favorite lines from Dracula……

Karen I.L.
You’re in it, Ruthie, the connectivity whorl! Can’t get to go there without gratitude. You are the best. “I take pen to say I love you and I miss you …” -Mina Murray

Paul B.
Ruth, my old new friend (Also a quote from Dracula: AMN, except for ‘Ruth’, that was not in the play.)

January 30, 2021

Isolation Diary: Today I spent an hour on line researching and then an hour ‘chatting’ in an attempt to find a way to connect my old monitor with my new computer. This process might have taken me just as long if I researched a bit and then went in person to Best Buy. Why did the time spent today seem so onerous? (I believe a solution has been found, proper cable ordered.) I look forward to the day when I can show up at a Best Buy or a hardware store with a thingy in my hand and say to a person, “I’m not sure what this is but I need something that works with it, can you help me?”

Douglas G.
It’s always best to have a hand-held thingy…

January 31, 2021

Isolation Diary: I am having a local reaction to the vaccination. I got the shot on Thursday the 21st. I have a warm, red, slightly swollen patch around the injection site, maybe 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Doesn’t hurt but I am aware of it. And the patch is larger today than it was yesterday. On Monday I will seek some input from my doctor. And I will send in a report to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). I feel fine. But I wonder about receiving the 2nd shot which, I’m told, is stronger.
(I neither contacted my doctor or reported to VAERS)

Richard L.
Mine itched some a week out from the same day as you. Some redness like a little scratch infection..all gone now.

Mars T.
Sorry you have a reaction
I just saw an infectious disease researcher talking about this on Instagram yesterday- apparently it’s very normal! Did you get moderna?

Ruth Silveira
Mars T. thank you, Mars! This reaction may be normal but it’s not good. If it last for weeks, I may choose to get my 2nd shot in my right arm. Makes me nervous, though.(Mars posted a picture and my reaction looked exactly like the photo. And it did resolve on it’s own, did not last for weeks.)

Betsy B.
Did you get the moderna or the pfizer?

Ruth Silveira
Betsy B. Moderna

Susan J.
Good to know it’s not uncommon. Your body is telling you it’s working!

Laura O.
My sister-in-law had the same thing . Seems better now…
for your comfort and well-being

Bruce Y.
no problem here. Had the shot yesterday Bit sore, but that is all. Glad to have it. Look forward to the next one in 20 days.

Ann S.K.
We got our shots a few weeks ago and after 2 weeks my friend got the same large rash on her arm and our Dr. told her that it happens to some people so don’t worry. Our Dr. was in the moderna trials and now has moderna delivered each Monday and she has vaccinated all the Drs and staff in Coronado (except for the hospital) and all patients over 65. My 2nd one is Feb 11th and I can’t wait. I had a headache the day after my shot, went to bed at 2 PM and woke up at 7 PM just fine. Don had no reaction.

Ruth Silveira
Ann S.K. I got a bit of a headache, too, in the evening, nothing serious. So glad you got yours! We will survive!

Bruce Y.
I am just happy to get the damn shot, and ready for the next one in 20 days. Am tired of being chained to my house. Looking to get to Georgia, California, Utah and Sweden to see family Yahoo.

Ruth Silveira
International travel! Yes!

As of September 27, 2021, I still haven’t gone anywhere.

February 2, 2021

Isolation Diary: I have been looking at the early posts. How naive we were. We thought we would endure this for maybe 2 or 3 months. We have all struggled this year to keep up our spirits, to remain ourselves. My mind feels simple and passive at present. I am uncomfortable with this feeling. Today was a fixit day. Broken items. Glue was used, and steel wool and a sort of paper mâché. And paint. At least I solved some problems. AND, as it was a beautiful day, I spent time in the garden and I vanquished vines. Often just doing things with my hands can center me and focus a sense of self. Do we all have this? A tactile constructive side and an imaginative cerebral side? Of course we do, what am I saying? Either one can center me, I suppose. It’s that in-between time that’s the problem. Is that when I, in desperation, mop the floor?

Susan J.
I love that mopping the floor is your default activity.

February 4, 2021

Isolation Diary: Just a reminder…seeing people only on Zoom or FaceTime is not normal. And, second thing, I am in my house and yard so much of the time, and with my family safe pod, no masks, close contact, that I have been known to go out for a walk to Larchmont to pick up coffee, only to have to return home after half a block to retrieve my mask. I have this isolated but active bubble that is safe and I can step out with a sense of normalcy and then realize…..no, not normal. Back up. Sigh.

Jeff W.
We now consider all the “not normal” experiences you mention to be “new normal.” I mean, let’s face it, it’ll soon be a whole year of this…er…”lifestyle.”
It sounds to me like you’re making the best of it, dear Ruth — which comes as no surprise to anyone who knows you.

Christie M.
I only am without my mask in my dreams. Literally, I have dreams where I’m walking along a boardwalk or something, and suddenly realize I don’t have my mask on and didn’t bring it. Very disconcerting dreams. In real life I can’t step outside without a mask on, even a walk in Central Park, everyone wears a mask. I think it’s because of what New York City dealt with last spring, sirens night and day, morgue trucks right down the street. I don’t think our CA friends experienced it in such an immediate way, and even now when CA is in a crisis, the attitude seems to be much more… I don’t know, relaxed? Flexible? Casual? You’re so lucky to have your pod! I’m looking forward to NYC stepping up vaccine distribution.

Ruth Silveira
Christie M. No, we probably don’t experience it in the same way. More space in many areas. Lots of people staying home, having everything delivered. When many of us go somewhere, we go in our car, no mask needed alone in your car.

February 5, 2021

Isolation Diary: I had a conversation with my neighbor today! We happened to be out front on the sidewalk at the same time: me with Adam and Fig, she bringing in the trash bins. Neither of us wearing masks as we had no intention of leaving our own property so we kept a wide distance. But so good to check in! Lots of people walking dogs between 4 and 5 but I hardly ever see my neighbors.

February 6, 2021

Isolation Diary: You know what is hard for me? Thinking of everything I’m going to need for the next several days or week when I make an on-line order. I am not running out to stores for the odd item, and I so miss that. Maybe in a month, after I get my 2nd shot, I will feel okay about dashing out to Home Depot for a particular screw. Although, now that I think about it, any excuse NOT to visit Home Depot is welcome. Or going out specifically for a certain color thread. I have a lot of thread but somehow I rarely already have the right color. And…this frustration is even bigger than the on-line grocery shopping frustration….I want to shop for fabric. Lots of fabric available on-line but what is the real color? How does it feel? How does this look with that? Also, now that I’m talking about my yearnings…I want to visit Ikea to see if the set of large drawers they have will accommodate my collection of fabric. Which is now in bins and I am annoyed by that, because they are piled on top of each other and the lids are collapsing. And they are unsightly besides. And now that I’m thinking about what I miss and will be so happy to experience again….Running Charade parties!!! Okay, any party, but especially a Running Charades party. That might be a year away. Just appearing on the horizon.

Lise H.
I so relate to all of this-it really stifles the creativity if you can’t see & feel things in person, or stop for a moment of inspiration on impulse.

Ruth Silveira
Lise H. Yes! So true. I am looking for something, my eye is caught by something out of category, perspective changes, ideas expand…..

Lise H.
Ruth Silveira exactly! I miss the little adventures.

Alicia C.R.
Totally agree!

Natascha C.A.