I keep a diary. Every night I write just a few lines about what happened in my life that day so I know exactly the day when Covid 19 began to seriously affect my life.
Wednesday, March 11. At improvisation workshop my fellow players expressed their concern about the spreading virus and our continuing to meet. The next day I didn’t go to the gym as usual and rehearsal for the play I was in was canceled. Friday, I noted that Sacred Fools Theater was shutting down, as was Center Theater Group, schools, and the library. Saturday I went to tai chi class at the Y, which turned out to be the last class as the Y shut down. All thought this shut down would be temporary, we would be back up and running in several weeks. But a visit to the grocery store showed shelves empty of paper goods and water.
On Sunday, so this is basically 3 days of having no place to go except for that one tai chi class, I texted my daughter, Jessie, that I was lonely. Lonely, after 3 days. So she came over for a visit. The last for awhile.
This lengthy isolation was unique in my experience and for so many. The urge to reach out and connect and interact was strong. To stay sane, my family created a ‘safe pod’. We would all be so careful that we could safely interact with each other in person. Some of us began a Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
And I began to post my experiences and musings on FaceBook. I kept posting for about a year, until the first vaccine was in my arm and the need to isolate lifted a bit.
Below are all my posts from that year. It is a record of the ups and downs and coping tactics of one particular person, me. I have retained many of the comments to my posts as they make clear the need people had to connect and share about this common experience. Some of these people were at distance, people I rarely saw, some of us just connected by a shared memory. But now we were sharing this odd, temporary (we hoped), way of living.
After a morning with Sacred Fools Summer Camp I was on baby sitting duty for Fig. Just in case Maggie posts a similar photo on her Instagram I just want to say that Fig did not do the housework the whole time. We also played in the sandbox. For awhile.
Claudette W.
Mike L. He’s gotta pull his weight…
Janet R. So Adorable !
Sandy R. So cute!
Vonie R.A. That’s the first picture of Fig I’ve seen. He’s darling! Was glad to hear the other day that you and your family are doing well.
Isolation Diary: I made myself laugh today. Several times. Ideas and thoughts that made me giggle. And then others helped. Quite a few moments of delight spread out over the day: Sacred Fools Summer Camp, D and D with the family, and then just my own silly mind. Laughter, humor, one of life’s major blessings.
Isolation Diary: A report on my day–Began with Sacred Fools Theater Summer Camp for Kids, a Zoom experience this year; we are creating a story, everyone remotely. The campers decided they wanted to record the story instead of act it live so that’s what we’ve been doing. Then Jessie came over to watch me make an apple pie. Apples from my own trees! The issue in question for her? Crust. Anyone who has baked a fruit pie knows every pie is a risk taken. The recipe I was following had suggestions only. I have not tasted it yet. We will meet tomorrow and experience this pie. My plants were wilting outside! What? Didn’t I water them yesterday? Or two days ago? What day is it? What have I been doing? Have I gone outside lately? What’s out there anyway? I harvested a cucumber. Lots of seeds but tasty. Not bitter. I did my dance exercise. I had nothing planned for dinner and took something from the freezer which I didn’t really like. A Zoom meeting with my Friends of the Library group. And just FYI, the library buildings may be closed but the LA library system is still working. You can order books and pick them up at some libraries. Just google LAPL.org. I did my tai chi form after dinner. My regular schedule in the waste basket, I still checked off the boxes on my list. Then, almost as a reward, I clicked ‘play’ for the book I’m listening to, picked up my scissors and began cutting out a shirt from some Hawaiian themed fabric I have had for maybe 12 years. Cutting into fabric for me is a higher level of risk than making pie. So today……an exciting day! (?)
Susan J. Slice a pie…cut out a shirt…harvest a cuke…all wonderful adventures.
Isolation Diary: I just saw an ad in the righthand FB column ( I may glance at it but rarely if ever click on anything), an ad for face shields for children. Face shields for children. You know? In one way I admire our, as Americans, our restraint as we contend with the outrageousness and deficiencies of our current President; I admire our reliance on our democratic election structure and how we anticipate the coming moment of choice. On the other hand, who are all these crazy people??!!! These people who have no concept of ‘what I do affects others.’ Perhaps the next thought is, ‘Do others matter?’ Answer, “Well, I have 3 friends. Sort of friends. They sort of matter.” “Maybe”
Isolation Diary: Time spent with grandson Fig today (and his parents), and time in the garden. Both good. I also took the time to fill out a LA Times survey which solicits opinions and ideas on Re-imagining California. This is available through their web-site’s Opinion page. (Don’t know if you need to be a subscriber) I found the exercise satisfying and I encourage others to fill out this questionnaire. Essay questions, you’ll be writing sentences not checking off circles. And then I made a pie using nectarines from my tree. Haven’t tasted it yet but I have high hopes.
Ruth Silveira Pie tasted good, won’t make that crust again.
Isolation Diary: This situation has gone on so long that it has become ‘the way things are’. I have made adjustments and right now have nothing further to say. Not saying this is a good thing. Not saying that at all.
Isolation Diary: I attach a photo of the harvest from my garden this morning: zucchini, beans, tomatoes, and nectarines. This evening while making apple berry pie for Duncan’s birthday on Saturday as I flipped through the channels on my kitchen TV, I happened across a film of a stage production of Noel Coward’s ‘Present Laughter” starring Kevin Kline. One of my very favorite actors. And the whole thing an absolute delight. For me. What a study in people trying to maintain composure and simply losing it. And the pie smells fabulous! (Duncan requested fruit pie instead of cake.) Jessie and I are both bringing pie to the party because….you never know…
Anna M. So jealous. I get a bit of harvest and then Raccoons and squirrels and birds consider it their own buffet.
DeAnne M. Gorgeous
Alisa T. yummy!!!
Noel B. Oh. Wow. That looks good for chicken soup.
Henry H. KK won his third Tony for it!
Susan J. I stumbled upon the same show! We were kinda watching it together? But I didn’t stay with it for long. Itchy remote finger.
Susan J. Beautiful bounty, btw.
Leslie D. Ruth Silveira I watched it on PBS, too, and loved it, of course. Kevin Kline is THE most talented, attractive, delightful actor … in everything he’s been in. Remember “A Fish Called Wanda?” He was a scream!
Isolation Diary: Today was an at home alone day. In this circumstance of diminished social interaction I find that I experience a sense of isolation, sort of a disorientation, after in person encounters with my family (of which there are many), or friends (of which there are very few), or Zoom meetings. All of which are unfailingly pleasant and even highly enjoyable. And I think this must be caused by the constraint of staying safe. Not having the choice to go to a movie or a museum. Or meet someone new!!! Have a conversation with a stranger. You know…..I would like to be in a situation where I could say, “Have a good day.” to a person after a short encounter. And what about all the people I know that I want to know better? Where are you? Not in my back yard. Not in my kitchen. Not in my sewing room. Not at Jessie’s house. Not at Maggie’s house. Out there. Out there. All that said I wasn’t exactly idle today. Granted I did take an afternoon nap because I had slept very badly. Two garden sessions…morning and early evening. Continued study for the next D and D campaign for which I will be the DM. I am considering some story adjustments and obstacle encounters. Exercised and practiced tai chi. Made first batch of fig sauce from harvest from my tree. Even sewed a bit. I have many resources and many interests but still……oh, my gosh……I miss you all.
Jeremy A. Miss you Ruth.
Claudette W. Hi Ruth. I feel the same way. I miss new adventures, on which I thrive. Yet I’m grateful for being and staying safe. Much love.
Natasha P. Sending a hug via airspace until we can have a real one
Peter E. I miss you too.
Anna M. Stay safe and healthy!
Joyce H. I miss you too Ruth!
Sandy R. Sending hugs!
Shelley W. OMG – I can’t wait to tell Yogi that you’re DMing!!!
Holly B. We miss you too, Ruth!!!! Love your isolation diary.