December 15, 2020

Isolation Diary: Yes, it is Vaccine Day, a great day for all of us. For me personally this is the day I threw in the trash an entire batch of cookies, a new recipe, because they were so subpar, even though they were basically chocolate, that I could not admit I had baked them. But also this is the day I found the extra car key fob that has been missing for a month or longer. AND I found this fob on the very day I could have gone to the Ford dealership to have picked up an extra key which they had to order and would program for me to the tune of nearly $400. So on the scale…lots of chocolate and butter on one side and $400 on the other. I am ok. The key fob was found in the pocket (I knew I had put it in a pocket!) of a cold weather jacket that I wear maybe once in 10 years. Apparently there was a cold day 5 or 6 weeks ago and I put on this jacket and had a reason to go out to the car and open the trunk. And then I returned the jacket to the coat stand which a couple of weeks later fell over and needed repair and in sorting out the many garments that the stand had been holding I moved several items to a seldom visited closet, including this jacket. Today, needing to make a grocery pick up, needing flour to make more cookies because of the previous disaster, and because of the cold and blustery day, I went to this closet for a warmer outer garment, and, poked by the angel of discovery, thought to check the pockets of another cold weather jacket hanging there, that seldom worn one, and there was the key fob.

Richard L.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t finish this…something in my eye after reading “threw away” a batch of cookies…chocolate!..I can’t….what kind of monster….oh ….sub par?? what?….i’m sure some cookieless Vallley urchin would be thrilled to have them…sad.

Ruth Silveira
Richard L. You are absolutely right. I should have left them on the parkway with a ‘Free Food’ sign. Only perhaps I would have left them and the sign in front of my neighbor’s yard, or across the street.

Anna M.
FYI – I discovered my corner locksmith makes an $85 version of the $400 (Toyota) dealership keyfob that works great! Just in case this happens again.

Jeff W.
The satisfaction of the key fob story far outweighs the disappointment of the cookie failure story. Although the image of chocolate cookies in the trash will probably haunt me into the afternoon at least.
Did you even consider dunking ’em in coffee? A pretty sure-fire method when all else fails.

Ruth Silveira
Jeff W. I did not consider the coffee dunking tactic. I wanted the experience behind me, I needed to move on. Which I did after I wrote a blistering comment in the margin of the recipe.