December 21, 2020

Isolation Diary: I am not as isolated as many. Except for my brother, my family is here in SoCal and we are each other’s Safe Pod. All those people at the airport, taking the risk to see their family, some probably think the risk is way overblown, some are anxious but so lonely. For goodness sake, if you can bear it, do not travel! And include in your Holiday good wishes and prayers the doctors and health care workers, the vaccine scientists, the delivery people, and all those who are trying to keep us alive.

Jeff W.
Sadly, a whole lot of people have somehow mitigated the risk in their own minds, and will continue to behave in this horribly unproductive way. Had there been a unified, solid response to this in March things might have been very different, but here we are — in hopelessly muddied waters. As Tubby McTubberson famously observed, “It is what it is.”

Cydney D.
I agree. It’s not worth the risk. I’ve spent the last 20 plus years celebrating Christmas with Me, God and my Cat and always finding JOY.