Isolation Diary: A report on my day–Began with Sacred Fools Theater Summer Camp for Kids, a Zoom experience this year; we are creating a story, everyone remotely. The campers decided they wanted to record the story instead of act it live so that’s what we’ve been doing. Then Jessie came over to watch me make an apple pie. Apples from my own trees! The issue in question for her? Crust. Anyone who has baked a fruit pie knows every pie is a risk taken. The recipe I was following had suggestions only. I have not tasted it yet. We will meet tomorrow and experience this pie. My plants were wilting outside! What? Didn’t I water them yesterday? Or two days ago? What day is it? What have I been doing? Have I gone outside lately? What’s out there anyway? I harvested a cucumber. Lots of seeds but tasty. Not bitter. I did my dance exercise. I had nothing planned for dinner and took something from the freezer which I didn’t really like. A Zoom meeting with my Friends of the Library group. And just FYI, the library buildings may be closed but the LA library system is still working. You can order books and pick them up at some libraries. Just google
. I did my tai chi form after dinner. My regular schedule in the waste basket, I still checked off the boxes on my list. Then, almost as a reward, I clicked ‘play’ for the book I’m listening to, picked up my scissors and began cutting out a shirt from some Hawaiian themed fabric I have had for maybe 12 years. Cutting into fabric for me is a higher level of risk than making pie. So today……an exciting day! (?)
Susan J.
Slice a pie…cut out a shirt…harvest a cuke…all wonderful adventures.