(actually the 15th, I often posted late, after midnight)
I was lonely today so I got an in-person visit from Jessie and Duncan (daughter and grandson, for those who don’t know) We were very careful and I wiped doorknobs and faucet handles before and after. No hugging allowed. We met to set up a D & D game which we will play at distance. I am new to this game. Maggie (my other daughter) will be DM. This is the starter game; I have chosen to be the human Fighter. I don’t have many skills, good with a longbow, dextrous, and that’s about it; but I am determined. I sort of know this person.
Can’t tell you how much this visit cheered me.
Allison F.S.
I’m so excited to learn about Ruth’s character, the human Fighter and how you enjoy D&D. Please keep us posted.Marian G.
The Human Fighter from that set is my favorite character I’ve ever played. Humans and Fighters in that game are some of the most versatile, most adaptable. And you have the Folk Hero background, you’re famous! I think you’re going to really enjoy it. I bet Maggie’s a hoot to play with.I’m glad you got a visit today. That sounds lovely!Lemon B.
Oh, my gosh! I’m so excited for you! I hope you’ll share some of your adventures with uKathi C.
Love this!Rick C.
Ruth you are not alone….we are all in this together, and together we will get through this…..thank you for your thoughtsTegan A.C.
D&D for Ruth?!?!? YAAAAAAASSSSS….!!! Fight all the things, solve all the puzzles, have all the fun! Proud of you.Mandi M.H.
Oh my lord I want to play D&D with Ruth!!Susan J.
Perfect antidote for loneliness.
I did not know so many people played D and D!