Isolation Diary: I got a visit from Maggie, Adam, and Fig today. Fig is 10 1/2 months. He hadn’t been here in awhile so was looking around to check that everything was in it’s right place. Of course I held him a lot and when they left Maggie directed me, in her ‘Mom, do this.” voice, to wipe everything down and to change my shirt immediately. Which I did, and washed it. Maggie heard from some source she respected that one of the things to do to help spreading cold viruses from your school age children is to have them change clothes when they get home. Which reminded me that I had a pretty healthy childhood and we had school clothes and play clothes. I attach examples. After they left I went out to the garden for more weeding. I wonder if I could order plants from a nursery and have them delivered so I could do some planting, too. Our neophyte D&D group tried to get set up on Zoom but we didn’t coordinate, one tried…no one was there, another tried…no one was there. In the evening I wrote postcards to send to Democrat voters encouraging a vote for the Dem candidate in their district. And then, pulling a very minor project from the back burner, I covered a pillow with fabric rescued from a jacket that no one wanted anymore. Last thing…I have a rat. Not a pet, a pest. I got up from the computer and went into the kitchen and saw the creature disappear, just a blur, almost just sensation, into … well, where? Where did the thing go?! I found evidence this morning: a plastic bag of trail mix on the floor near the dining room where it had no reason to be and there was a hole in the bag. “Rat”, I said. “Rats!” The house as hosted rats in the past. It is very porous. I will set traps tomorrow. During a pandemic scare any intelligent rat would keep it’s distance.
The photos show School Clothes (that’s me on the left) and Play Clothes (that’s me on the right.
Jeff W.
Thank you for sharing this with us. We were not allowed out before changing into our play clothes, either. Free-relating, I thought of all those years of drinking water from our neighbor’s garden hose — in my play clothes, of course — and wondered if it did anything to fortify my immune system.Janet R.
Sounds like you need a cat !Ruth Silveira
I do need a cat, for sure.Susan J.
LOVE these photos!!
Plaid school dresses into striped play shirts. I can relate! Wonder where your 2 playmates are now?Jeff W.
Any news on the rat?Ruth Silveira
No sign today. Trap out.(Writing at about 11:30)
Ruth Silveira
Uhm…just heard the trap snap. checked. Dead rat.Ruth Silveira
Sigh.Betsy B.
So cute!!(Referring to the photos, I’m sure, and not the dead rat.)