Isolation Diary: Feeling much better, almost normal. I’d like to take in a movie, get out of the house, you know? Noooo! I have to get used to staying home all over again.
While sending Duncan a Message from my iPad (he now has a kid’s account administered by Jessie, set up because of this isolation situation) I touched a button I hadn’t ever touched before and found Messenger requests. (I rarely use my iPad for this) And there was a message sent in mid 2018 (!) from a cousin that I know of but do not know. The Portuguese side of the family. He was asking for information about my paternal grandfather. Which I may have, actually. I replied. Now we are in contact. He grows walnuts in Modesto. I like walnuts. I use a lot around Christmas time when a bake a whole LOT of cookies. I wonder….have I been baking with my cousin’s walnuts?
I was cheered by General Todd Semonite of the Army Corp of Engineer when he appeared on the Rachel Maddow show. Direct information, specifics, very few extra words, a grasp of what can be done and how. And doing it. My god, what a relief. Nearly died again in our D & D game, had to be cured. I need better armor or something.
I did not hear from my Modesto cousin again. The General mentioned above was speaking about how the Army was going to help with the extreme burden on the hospitals because of the influx of severely ill Covid patients. His appearance was cheering because of the contrast to the information coming from Trump which could in no way be trusted by any reasonable person.
Claudette W.
Your posts lift my spirits.Natascha C.A.
Aaron F.
Find a way to raise your AC.A Dungeons and Dragons comment.
Susan J.
Mmmmmmwah! (from a safe distance, of course)Susan J.
And thanks for the heads-up about the Maddow interview with General Semonite. It was encouraging. Too bad they don’t replace the idiot-in-chief’s daily briefings on TV with this man. This is the information we need and the information we crave.