March 29, 2021

Post Isolation Diary: Today I got lost running an errand. I have driven so little in the last year and most of that driving was to only 3 places, I have lost touch with the streets of LA. I knew where I was going (Lowes) and I took my regular route but some massive and long term looking road work forced me to turn right when I wanted to turn left and that sent me into a labyrinth which I only managed to exit by happening upon a major street that I recognized, and I promptly turned the wrong way. I did eventually make my way to my planned destination. And got lost in the parking lot. (I am home how, safe and sound.)

Nancy W.
I totally relate to that! I’e actually used my GPS to get to places I’ve been to so many times I just haven’t gone anywhere in so long, that the roads just don’t look familiar any more. I get nervous about getting lost every time I get into my car.

Nancy W.
This will pass (Won’t it?)

Ruth Silveira
Nancy W. Yes!

Nancy W.
Thank you, Ruth. I needed to hear that.

Jeff W.
Great story, Ruth. I sadly admit that I now freely use the voice of my phone map — more often than one should. In this way I am able to focus on other things — thinking about lunch and so forth. Also, the map stays abreast of current road conditions (road closures, traffic jams, etc.) and will automatically re-route as needed.
Full disclosure: I’ve always had navigation issues. Before the machines took over I ALWAYS had a copy of the Thomas Brothers book in the car.

Ruth Silveira
Jeff W. Ieff, I currently have a Thomas Brothers in my car and one at home. Years out of date but I still refer to them whenever I have to go to a new place. I like to refer to maps and not just rely on directions. I like the spatial element given by the map. But in the case I mentioned, who needed a map? Or directions? I knew where I was going but……things had changed in the months I had only been driving to Burbank (Jessie’s house) and Pasadena (Maggie’s house). And the grocery store to pick up my order.

Ruth Silveira
Sorry I called you leff. Don’t know how spell check let that through.