Isolation Diary: So why do I feel so much better today than I did yesterday? Can’t say it was more sleep because I was up really late recording a voice message to a podcast, a story I won’t go into at the moment. Why did I record the message at 3 am? It was a should I should I not situation. At 3 am the ‘should’ prevailed. A perilous hour, 3 am. Not sure how many of you share my ‘I’ve got to say this. Egad, why did I say that?” syndrome. Experienced right here, right now, by me. Back to today. I did a practical thing. I fixed the working of the deadbolt on my side gate. Tools used were a screwdriver and various chisels. I have 3 sizes of chisels. I also have two wood planes and a sort of wood grater/scraper and a radial arm saw. What? Yes. I have a set of star screwdrivers. Wait…..I’m listing tools now? OMG. Shift gears: Fun D and D game tonight! I love this game!
Aaron F.
This update feels like it could have been written by me.