May 18, 2020

Isolation Diary: A day without input from the internet. Oh, yes, I opened my email, found nothing personal, just more messages I must delete. I now have over 1800 unread messages. Perhaps I will manage to coordinate the watching of an interesting film with mindless deletion of solicitations for money. I spent a delightful afternoon with the family, containing some D & D play and some time with Fig and playing other games. The small group of players are urging me for our next adventure to take on the role of DM. A challenge. I have been presented with a challenge. What is my history of response to a challenge in my rather narrow realm of experience? “Ok. Sure.” Hasn’t every role I’ve ever played begun that way? Of course I can do this. What? You want me to do this? Ack! How the heck am I going to do this? Take a step.

Joyce H.
Hi Ruth, I miss you!! I can wait until we get back into the theater and mess around with all those props and costumes again. And for the day (night) we can see a show together!! Be well my friend, I love you and miss you much!!!!

Aaron F.
You would be a wonderful DM!I would suggest that for you, have a basic idea of story, locations and all of the NPCs sheets in case anybody tests or fights anybody, but you’re such a good improviser that you can spitball through most of the adventure just by staying in character and making stuff up.

Ruth Silveira
Maggie as DM is wonderful at playing all the characters we encounter.

Aaron F.
I’ll bet she is.

Jeff W.
Okay, I admit it — I don’t know what “D&D” is. It can’t be Dungeons and Dragons, can it?
I thought I could hang on until I got it through inference, but it looks like it’s not gonna happen — I give up.

Ruth Silveira
Yes! Dungeons and Dragons. My first foray. Learning. Having so much fun. DM is the Dungeon Master whose job is to unroll the story as the players advance in the adventure. And to play all the characters they encounter. And to explain the rules and possibilities. And to nudge when a nudge is needed. Some people do this professionally.

Jeff W.

Paul B.
I used to play, and was dungeon master for a small group of friends. I loved the game. I still have my books, dice, etc
Paul later joined our game for awhile playing a character I wrote in for him. He had to play on Zoom as he lives up north.