May 24, 2020

Isolation Diary: I read the LA Times in the morning, I often check in with MSNBC and maybe other news around dinner time, and then FB late at night. In between those times life is often good. The current administration and political situation? Which does come up about that in the newspaper, the news, and FB–I accept the administration’s and the Senate’s actions as unacceptable and stupid and misguided and mendacious and destructive and ludicrous and craven and fraudulent. I am no longer surprised by any outrageous action. I do get scared at times, imagining the continuation of the political dominance of these aberrant minds. But the good parts of today: A Zoom tai chi class this morning; a D & D session at Maggie’s house, with homemade nachos, and then playtime with Fig. And in the PM a rather tricky sewing project while I listened
to a podcast. I am afraid that this isolation might be having a disengaging effect on my mind. As the limited things that I experience are Real, and what I read about is Fiction. Not there yet……sense a drift.

Jessie M.
I feel the drift too

Tenny P.
I’m calling this phase of our quarantine experience The Erosion. The highs aren’t as high and the lows less low but the flattening of existence is real. Big hugs, Ruth!!!