What if……the sky was infected with enemy drones. Small things, but bigger than a moth. Spread out over the country. They shot people with poison pellets. They were drawn to large crowds and small gatherings. They are small so keeping them out of enclosed spaces is nearly impossible. Let’s say 10 million people got shot. Right in front of other people. Sometimes the pellet bounced off a hat and did no damage, sometimes it made a scratch and a festering sore, sometimes it sent someone to the hospital, sometimes it killed the target, right then, right there. Would people then accept the urgent suggestion that it is helpful to wear a large brimmed hard hat? Or would they object to being ‘forced by the government’ to ‘save’ themselves? Another intrusion into their lives by Government.
Jeff W.
It’s a GREAT analogy.Unfortunately, it brought this extremely unsettling video to mind —one I had managed to forget, but your scenario was so similar… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stHLrBs-_iE YOUTUBE.COM – Future weapon used by intelligence (Mini Drone)(This video was so scary, I didn’t edit it out.)
Ruth Silveira
Jeffer! Sorry to remind you of that. It is horrifying. So similar to my little “what if” musing. But, yeah, with that threat people would wear hats and masks, I bet.