November 16, 2020 (2)

I’ve been thinking about the idea of the Holon, a concept introduced to me by Joe Jordan. A whole that is part of a larger whole. Something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. Incredibly this word is not in my Websters dictionary or my American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. No wonder we are in such division and chaos! We are all a whole individually, also a part of numerous larger other wholes. And those larger wholes are part of larger wholes. So, in my opinion, the person who wrote to the LA Times that he voted for Trump because the stock market was lining his pocket, this person is working from his small Whole. His small circle. Without consideration of the larger Whole. And, also in my opinion, those who created AB5 are focused on the large whole; as are those, again in my biased opinion, who support changing zoning across California, or the US, to allow multi-family dwelling or lot sub-divisions just about anywhere, without consideration of the smaller Whole. These ideas are born of graphs and numbers (AB5 and zoning) and need to meet with lives of the smaller Wholes to become actually workable and beneficial ideas. To extend a bit further…….those who won’t wear a mask because it is an assault on their ‘liberty’ are living in their small Whole. (or hole). And then to jump to another idea–Those who so guard their ‘liberty’ support a person who is basically an autocrat and who can’t help but undermine democratic practices. Okay, further thought….a Libertarian might not care about the democratic process. But….has a Libertarian ever come face to face with tyranny?

Ruth Silveira
And when a Libertarian does come face to face with tyranny, do they become anarchists? I listened to “American Kingpin”, a book about the person who created the website “The Silk Road”. He was a dedicated Libertarian. His original intent was to sell drugs on-line, through a highly secure website, because he believed people should have control over what they put into their bodies and because buying on-line and having one’s drugs delivered by the post office was much safer than buying on a street corner. He called himself the Dread Pirate Roberts. The website was a huge success and expanded quickly to sell more than mushrooms and marijuana. Vendors from all over sold a large variety of drugs. Just about anything was available. Of course, there was nothing like quality control. Then weapons were added. Then problems arose and The Dread Pirate Roberts put out hits on people. Yes, he had people killed. He was eventually caught. (If I have any of this wrong, please let me know.)